welcome to fonitronik
a few years ago i started building my own modules. i built them just for fun. your interest in my work wanted me to make some of the modules available for the growing community of modular synthesizer users - no longer just PCBs for DIY, but ready built modules for all, who don't want to spend their time on building, but on making just music: music electronics made in germany
when i started building my own modular i was intrigued by the idea that there is no software running, but just current. the fugacity of the patches making your sounds unique is another thing that i like about the modular. and then it was the haptic: all parameters are available on the front panel, no hidden features or menues. on the other hand i went the eurorack route to have it somehow portable.
so from the beginning i saw eurorack as a tradeoff of playability and size, and everyone has to draw a line for himself. i drew mine. same goes for the complexity of the single module. during the past few years we saw more and more highly integrated modules with a lot of internal pre-patching. this makes it easy for patching, but it is perhaps somehow a step back from modularity?
accordingly i like to build modules that have enough front panel space to be used easily. and they should be easily used w/o a manual, and w/o the need to rifle through menues and sub-menues (even the mh11 ADC sequencer is easy to operate as soon as you got the idea). i understand the desire to have lot of functionality in little room. this can be fascinating too. i see that. however, i want to promote the idea of having it more modular, more analogue, more playable instrument. the modules themselfes are produced in germany. even the PCBs. electronic components come from far east today, this is part of the game we play. i chose a small local company for manufacturing and assembling the PCBs (TechLay), another small local company to do the front panels (GravoPrintec). final assembly is done by myself. this way i try to have short distances for transport, and to support local industry.